Journée pour les 60 ans d'Antonio Bucciarelli
Date : 20 juin 2023
Lieu : amphi 2A halle aux farines
Programme :
- 9h10 : Tout le monde attend Antonio
- 9h15 : Arrivée d'Antonio (qui n'est au courant de rien)
- 9h20 : Introduction de Flavien
- 9H30 Vincent Padovani
- 10h00 Flavien Breuvart
Un regard nouveau sur la logique indexée
- 10h30 Pause Café
- 11h00 Victor Arrial et Delia Kesner
Quantitative Inhabitation
- 11h30 Giulio Manzonetto
TBA : To Bucciarelli Antonio
- 12h00 Thomas Ehrhard
My scientific life with Antonio
- 12h30 Déjeuner
- 14h00 Giulio Guerrieri
The theory of meaningfulness in the call-by-value lambda-calculus
- 14h30 Christian Rétoré
The sequentiality connective of pomset logic, from its denotational semantics to its proof-theoretical syntax
- 15h00 Pause Cafe
- 15h30 Pasquale Malacaria
Axioms for Information theories
- 16h00 Nino Salibra
A journey from lambda calculus to clone algebras
- 16h30 Messages Video
- 17h00 Cloture Antonio
Abstracts :
- 9H30 Vincent Padovani
- 10h00 Flavien Breuvart
Un regard nouveau sur la logique indexée
Je montrerais comment la logique indexée peut être modulée pour
capturer les types intersection idempotent mais aussi plein d'autres
systèmes qu'il restent à explorer. Je montrerais aussi comment on peut
étendre l'idée à d'autres opérateurs logiques (exemples des monades et
des points fixes de μLL). Je montrerais enfin comment, en la
restreignant à des fragments spécifiques, on obtient "gratuitement" le
typage intersection des lambda-calculs CbV, CbN, non typé, de types
algébriques, ou encore de certains lambda-calculs infinitaires.
- 11h00 Victor Arrial et Delia Kesner
Quantitative Inhabitation
- 11h30 Giulio Manzonetto
TBA : To Bucciarelli Antonio
Some anecdotes, some collaborations, some friendship.
- 12h00 Thomas Ehrhard
My scientific life with Antonio
- 14h00 Giulio Guerrieri
The theory of meaningfulness in the call-by-value lambda-calculus
The untyped lambda-calculus is a simple and Turing-complete model of
computation that represents the kernel of any functional programming
language. The semantics of the untyped call-by-name lambda-calculus is a
well developed field built around the concept of solvable terms, which
are elegantly characterized in many different ways. In particular,
unsolvable terms provide a consistent notion of meaningless terms, and
meaningful terms can be identified with the solvable ones. The semantics
of the untyped call-by-value lambda-calculus (CbV, which is closer to
the real implementations of programming languages) is instead still in
its infancy, because of some inherent difficulties but also because CbV
solvable terms are less studied and understood than in call-by-name. On
the one hand, we show that a carefully crafted presentation of CbV
allows us to recover many of the properties that solvability has in
call-by-name, in particular qualitative and quantitative
characterizations via multi types. On the other hand, we stress that, in
CbV, solvability plays a different role: identifying unsolvable terms
as meaningless induces an inconsistent theory. We argue that in CbV, the
correct notion of meaningful terms is captured by the concept of
potential valuability. In particular, terms that are not potentially
valuable provide a consistent notion of meaningless terms in CbV.
- 14h30 Christian Rétoré
The sequentiality connective of pomset logic, from its denotational semantics to its proof-theoretical syntax
This talk presents old and new results on pomset logic (1993, Retoré) ,
a logic that extends classical commutative multiplicative linear logic
with a self dual non-commutative and associative connective that we
christened « before » (précède in French) before Guglielmi (1999) gave
it the nickname « sequential » in his calculus of order and interaction.
We start with the category of coherence spaces where there is exactly
one binary multiplicative connective apart from « times » and « par ».
The « before » connective enjoys intriguing properties: « before » is
associative, non commutative and self-dual. We designed a proof net
calculus which is complete in the sense that the syntactic correctness
of a proof structure P is equivalent to the semantic correctness of the
interpretation of P in the the corresponding coherence space. We show
that BV (2001, Gulgliemi & Strassburger) can be viewed as a
rewriting version of pomset logic (thus providing a simple proof of BV «
cut elimination »). We mention that pomset calculus strictly includes
BV calculus (NGuyen & Strassburger, 2022). We discuss briefly the
sequent calculus for pomset logic provided by Slavnov (2020). We end the
talk with a few words about a self dual modality for sequential
duplication and contraction, whose semantics is well defined but which
misses a proper syntax up to now.
- 15h30 Pasquale Malacaria
Axioms for Information theories
Claude Shannon revolutionized our understanding of information: He
connected information with entropy, a concept originating in physics as a
measure of uncertainty. Following his work several other entropy
measures have been introduced with applications to several fields, from
physics to cryptography. We present an axiomatization for these
information theories. The axioms are based on the concept of
core-concavity (a weakening of concavity having quasi-concavity as
limit) and allow for a unified view of Information theories, and to
general proofs of important information theoretical inequalities like
Fano inequality and several others.
(Joint work with Arthur Amerigo and Arman Khouzani)
- 16h00 Nino Salibra
A journey from lambda calculus to clone algebras
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